Finchingfield Guildhall

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Mac Computer

For the computer, I just tried to copy the look of the mac computers we have in the labs. the shapes weren't too difficult. Making the curves at the top of the tower system were the most difficult, but I extruded parts of the top of the tower, then chamfered the corners to smooth them out. Then I used the inset tool to then extrude the inside of the end faces. I also had to create new edges around using the swift loop tool, this was helpful when creating the disk drives and the usb ports. Yes, too much detail for an object that won't have much attention drawn to it, but it made it look better.

To make the screen, I used a box, chamfered the corners and used the inset tool again, this gives the black boarder effect. For the stand, I used the inset tool again making the poly smaller, I then extruded this, rotated the face again and extruded once more and modified the shape to make it as close to reality as possible.

The keyboard is simply a box, modified in shape slighty with the image of a keyboard used as the texture.  The textures of the screen and tower are a brushed metal texture, this makes them look ok, but not as realistic as I would like.

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