Finchingfield Guildhall

Friday 25 November 2011

Sink & Draining Board

For the sink and draining board, I first made the bowl for the sink, this was simply a single box with the corners chamfered. This gave the impression of a round sink shape.

I copied the same shape before I extruded the top part, this was to be the correct shape for the draining board, for the sink, I inset the top poly, then I moved the poly down to make a bowl shape. Then I inset again and made the poly into a small circular shape to make this the plughole. I then chamfered the edges of the rim to make the sink have a nicer feel about it.

To make the draining board I made a cylinder and made it very thin, this have a slight bump effect when put into the base shape, I felt that this was, although simple, very effective.

To make the tap, I made a tube shape, and modified it into a curved shape by rotating different series of vertexes, then I made a cone to be the base of the tap. Then I copied the cone shape twice and made them smaller, this then was put onto the left and right sides of the original cone, this is to make the tap shape. To make the taps, I simply extruded the polys on the top at either end, this gives the effect of a modern tap. I will make an older style one if there is more time before production.

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